Common Questions
All the Answers You Seek — In One Place
Since 2008, we’ve been serving residents who come to the Lakeport Homeowners' Association in search of a more relaxing lifestyle. Our members are the root of our foundation, and we go out of way to keep them happy. Take a look at questions we’ve been asked in the past, and get in touch with us today!
How can I pay for my Annual Assessment?
The Annual Assessment has to be paid through MJS, Inc, our HOA's administrative partner. You can pay your assessment fees online by visiting MJS's website.
How can I pay the Extra Fees required for Carriage Homes?
You can pay your Carriage Home extra fees online by visiting MJS's website.
What are the bylaws of your community?
The bylaws can be found in the Forms and Documents section of the website. Alternatively, you can download them here.
Who should I contact if I spot a burned out street light?
The street lights are maintained by Dominion Energy (formerly SCE&G). You can report a burned out light by calling their customer service hotline, at
Please write down the pole number, which is found on a metal oval-shaped tag on the light pole, along with the address closest to the light pole, and be sure tell them that the light pole is in the Lakeport subdivision.
This information will allow Dominion Energy to quickly come to our neighborhood and fix the burned out light.
What day is garbage and recycling picked up, and when do I need to move my garbage bins back from the curb?
Garbage is picked up by Richland County every Monday, while Recycling is picked up every other Monday.
The garbage truck typically arrives in the morning, so be sure to take your garbage bins to the curb on Thursday night.
Please be sure to take your garbage bins back in on Tuesday morning, to keep our neighborhood looking clean.
For more information, please visit Richland County's website.
My sidewalks and the streets in the neighborhood need repair. What should I do about this?
The streets and sidewalks in Lakeport are owned and maintained by Richland County.
To report any needed repair, contact the Richland County Ombudsman's Office at: Ombudsman@RCGov.us,
or 803-929-6000.
Curious to learn more about us? Get in touch today!